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The Shogun Sudoku is a composition of 11 Sudoku. At first the Shogun seems impressive, each Sudoku grid cannot be resolved alone, we must take in account the clues of the neighbouring grids.  In order to resolve this puzzle you need time and patienc. To initiate you to this fascinating puzzle I provide you two easy Shogun.

Sudoku Shogun 18Sudoku Shogun :00018

The printable version :PDF

Shogun :Shogun 00018.pdf

Solution :Shogun 00018_sol.pdf


If ever you want more.

Sudoku Shogun : 00019
Sudoku Shogun : 00019


The printable version :PDF

Shogun :Shogun 00019.pdf

Solution :Shogun 00019_sol.pdf

Enjoy !

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