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My first puzzle book was about Samurai, It was in 2006 more than 10 years ago. I was not unsure if people would love my puzzle so I decided to include Shogun and Sumo puzzles (Samurai Challenge 1) in order to interest more people.  At this time Shogun and Sumo puzzles were less known it was an audacious move. In retrospect I believe that it has helped my book to be distinguished from the others. All this to tell you that Samurai puzzles take a special place in my memories.  Then I present you  2 Samurai puzzles which are composed, each one, with 5 Sudokus.



Samurai no 90

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle: samu_00090.pdf

Solution : samu_00090_sol.pdf


Samurai no 91

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle: samu_00091.pdf

Solution : samu_00091_sol.pdf

Enjoy !


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