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The first puzzle that I have published is the Samurai in 2008 on an obscure website. Then in 2013 I republished on Amazon. I don't why I don't often present this puzzle. Being working on my website for the migration to Joomla 4, I have the occasion to think about the origin and the evolution of my works. This is why I want to present you 2 Samurai. Also I want to use the new article format to present my article. Notice the use of an icon instead of writing The printable files PDF.


xx no:01042

Puzzle :samu_01042.pdf

Solution :samu_01042_sol.pdf


xx no:01410

Puzzle :samu_01410.pdf

Solution :samu_01410_sol.pdf

By the same occasion, I want to present my two Samurai books.Again it is the new presentation. I give for each book 5 amazon links.  

Samurai Challenge
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany

Samurai Challenge 2
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany


Have a good day !

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