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My latest invention : The Balances. This puzzle is also part of a new category of game : the numbers (see the menu). I believe that I am the creator of this puzzle because I have never seen elsewhere this puzzle ( I hhope that uou could infirm or confirm my satement). The rule is simple put a sign + or - in each box of the balance in order that each side has the same value (Rules of Balances). So try by yourshelf.

Balance 3x10 n 14


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : bal_3X10_0014.pdf

Solution : bal_3X10_0014_sol.pdf


Balance 3x10 n 40


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : bal_3X10_0040.pdf

Solution : bal_3X10_0040_sol.pdf


Balance 3x10 n 57


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : bal_3X10_0057.pdf

Solution : bal_3X10_0057_sol.pdf


Balance 3x10 n 99


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : bal_3X10_0099.pdf

Solution : bal_3X10_0099_sol.pdf


Balance 4x10 n 70


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : bal_4X10_0070.pdf

Solution : bal_4X10_0070_sol.pdf


Balance 4x10 n 80


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : bal_4X10_0080.pdf

Solution : bal_4X10_0080_sol.pdf


Enjoy ! and Amusez-vous bien !

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