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Today I present you a new class of puzzle: the labyrinth. It is a very interesting puzzle because it could have a lot of shapes and variations. It can be mixed with art. So I present you a specific kind, that I called Labyrinth Bridge. In my opinion, this form is a little bit difficult, because at first sight it is difficult to have an idea of the solution. I intend to add more labyrinth variations ( as usual, I do not know when). So there are two puzzles ready to be solved. 



Labyrinth Bridge 20x20 n: 12

Puzzle :mazex_20x20_00012.pdf

Solution :mazex_20x20_00012_sol.pdf


Labyrinth Bridge 40x40 n: 10

Puzzle :mazex_40x40_00010.pdf

Solution :mazex_40x40_00010_sol.pdf

Have a good day !

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