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I want to wish you a happy new year, I hope that 2022 will be safer. I want to point out that 2022 is a special year because this year has three times the same digit (the 2), the next occurrence of this will be 2111 ! So I believe that if something beneficial happens then it will be this year. I intend to present you, in the following months, some new puzzles but now I want to recapitulate and show you the Space Ships puzzle (Rules of the Space Ships ). This puzzle appeared last year on this website.

 In a grid there are one space ship in each row and column and each space ship has certain level of power. Your goal is to find the location of each Space Ship and their level of power. The cells with numbers indicate to total of the level of power for the Space Ships pointed out by the arrows. Then when you have found the Space Ships you are able to deduct the level of power with the help of the table under the grid and the letters on the left.  



Nave 10x10 : 3

The printables files PDF.

Puzzle : nave_10_00003.pdf


Have fun !

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