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When the heat is up the thermometer rise. So this this the occasion to play with Thermometer puzzles  (Rules of Thermometers). I present you three puzzles with size 7X7. Enjoy !! 


Thermometer 7X7 n 144

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00144.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00144.pdf




Thermometer 7X7 n 194

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00194.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00194.pdf




Thermometer 7X7 n 195

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00195.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00195.pdf



 If you want more Thermometer puzzles, you are lucky because you could buy Thermometer Puzzle Challenge 1. with 110 puzzles of different sizes and levels of difficulty. I plan for fall to publish a sequel. 

Thermometer Puzzle Challenge

Have fun !!

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