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The thermometer puzzles (Rules of Thermometers) are special  puzzles. First of all, like all other puzzles, they required logic and are funny  to resolve.  But what really distinguishes them from other puzzle is the look of the puzzle : a grid filled with thermometers, which are situated in different positions ,of any size. The grid is surrounded by clues indicating the level of mercury in the corresponding row or column. That’s it. But enough talk, nothing is better than to try it by yourself to appreciate the richness of these puzzles. I provide you 3 puzzles of size 7X7 and the last one, a little bit more exigent, of size 10X10.


Thermometer 7X7 n 44

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00044.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00044.pdf




Thermometer 7X7 n 78

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00078.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00078.pdf




Thermometer 7X7 n 192

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00192.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00192.pdf




Thermometer 10X10 n 47

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00047.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_10_00047.pdf


 If you want more of this puzzle, you could buy Thermometer Puzzle Challenge 1. with 110 puzzles of different sizes amd levels of difficulty.

Have a good day !

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