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I am proud to present you my latest Giant Suguru book : Giant Suguru : The Atfermath

Giant Suguru: The Aftermath

This is the fourth book in the Giant Suguru collection, it has 100 puzzles. In this book (like in the three others books in this collection) you will find in Giant Suguru: the Aftermath giant Suguru puzzles from size 16X16 up to 20x20. Even if the grids are gigantic all the puzzles respect the standard rules, more specifically all the puzzles have no regions with more than five cells. As always the puzzles are entertaining and challenging

Giant Suguru: the Aftermath is availlable on Amazon UK : Amazon UK, USA :  Amazon US, Canada : Amazon Canada 

I present you a 18x18 Suguru Giant puzzles to give you to whet your appetite. 

Suguru 18X18 n 6

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_18X18_00006.pdf

Solution :suguru_18X18_00006_sol.pdf

Enjoy !!!

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