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I am proud to present you my latest Suguru book : Suguru Challenge vol 6.


Suguru Challenge 6

Again you will find plenty of Suguru Puzzles of all sizes and difficulty. No puzzles are ridiculously easy (like many others Suguru books from competitors) in fact these puzzles will challenge you. This is why this collection is so popular. This book is available on:

Amazon UKAmazon US , Amazon Canada and all others Amazon websites.

Here are some puzzles for your pleasure.

Suguru 7X7 n 6750

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_7X7_06750.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X7_06750_sol.pdf

Suguru 7X7 n 6751

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_7X7_06751.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X7_06751_sol.pdf

Suguru 7X7 n 6752

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_7X7_06752.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X7_06752_sol.pdf

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