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I have just published my latest book : Pocket Suguru The Sequel

Pocket Suguru The Sequel

This book comes in a conveniant aand travel-friendly size with 160 Suguru puzzles of many sizes and levels of difficulty. Induce yourself with these delicious Suguru puzzles.  

Available on Amazon UK :Pocket Suguru The Sequel (UK) USA :Pocket Suguru The Sequel (US)  Canada : Pocket Suguru The Sequel (CAD) and any others Amazon websites. 

There are two examples of Suguru puzzles similar to those inside the book.

Suguru 7X14 n 11

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_7X14_00011.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X14_00011_sol.pdf

Suguru 7X14 n 933

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_7X14_00933.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X14_00933_sol.pdf

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