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One of the peculiarities of the Suguru puzzle (Rules of Suguru) is that it can take different sizes, which is very convenient when you want to publish these games, as even the smallest space can be occupied. This flexibility even makes it possible to occupy the entire space with a only one Suguru. These are giant Suguru, where the grids are a least 16x16. Here is one ...

Suguru 16x16 : 177

The printables files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_16X16_00177.pdf

Solution: suguru_16X16_00177_sol.pdf


I just want to remind you that the following books are dedicated to Giant Suguru puzzles :

1) Giant Suguru

Giant Suguru

2) Giant Suguru: the Sequel

Giant Suguru: The Sequel

3) Giant Suguru : The Consequence

Giant Suguru: The Consequence

Enjoy !!

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