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December is upon us, I know this year the context is different, but nevertheless let’s try to make the best of the situation. Take the opportunity to change your mind while waiting for the storm to pass.I feel helpless in the face of these events but modestly I offer you my puzzle for your entertainment, welcome to Innoludic !

The Suguru puzzle ( Rules of Suguru) is appreciated by many of you. I understand why, they have many reasons to love it but the main reason is that this puzzle is fun and challenging. Therefore to satisfy your crave I present you two 13x8 puzzles. 



Suguru 13X8 n 5

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_13X8_00005.pdf

Solution : suguru_13X8_00005_sol.pdf


Suguru 13X8 129

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_13X8_00129.pdf

Solution : suguru_13X8_00129_sol.pdf

Just in case you did not know, I have published many Suguru Books.  My collection Suguru Challenge contains 5 books.



Suguru Challenge (on Amazon UK)

Suguru Challenge


Suguru Challenge 2

Suguru Challenge 2


Suguru Challenge 3

Suguru Challenge 3


Suguru Challenge 4

Suguru Challenge 4



Suguru Challenge vol. 5


Suguru Challenge vol. 5

Also I have another book called Pocket Suguru filled with a lot of Suguru puzzles..

Pocket Suguru

Pocket Suguru



 Have fun !

Have a good day !

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