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We are living in difficult times, just to think that my puzzles could comfort some of my reader helps me to continue to update this website ( I  have reached the 5-year anniversary  this month !).

But the most important is to take care of yourself and of your loved ones.

This week I offer you one of the most popular puzzle of my readers:  the Suguru. There are two 6x8 puzzles  (see  Rules of Suguru).


Suguru 6X8 n 36

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_6X8_00036.pdf

Solution : suguru_6X8_00036_sol.pdf


Suguru 6X8 n 1425

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_6X8_01425.pdf

Solution : suguru_6X8_01425_sol.pdf

 Have fun !


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