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Because you like it I present you three new Suguru puzzles (Rules of Suguru). The first one is (9x9) and the last two are 6x15. All the Suguru adepts will be pleased.   


Suguru 7X14 n 9

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_7X14_00009.pdf

Solution : suguru_7X14_00009_sol.pdf

A shiort reminder (because I have to pay my beer, and a lot of other things, with money) : I have published many Suguru's books.

First my 4 books in the collection : Suguru Challenge


Suguru Challenge (on Amazon UK)

Suguru Challenge


Suguru Challenge 2

Suguru Challenge 2


Suguru Challenge 3

Suguru Challenge 3


Suguru Challenge 4

Suguru Challenge 4

And lastly a book of smaller size in order to be more convenient but with the same captivating puzzles.

Pocket Suguru

Pocket Suguru



 Have fun !


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