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Because you like it I present you three new Suguru puzzles (Rules of Suguru). The first one is (9x9) and the last two are 6x15. All the Suguru adepts will be pleased.   


Suguru 9X9 n 36

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_9X9_00036.pdf

Solution : suguru_9X9_00036_sol.pdf


Suguru 6X15 n 1

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_6X15_00001.pdf

Solution : suguru_6X15_00001_sol.pdf


Suguru 6X15 n 2

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_6X15_00002.pdf

Solution : suguru_6X15_00002_sol.pdf


The Suguru lovers are numerous and insasiables. So I have published many books on this subject. You will be pleased with them and they could make a perfect Christmass gift for any Suguru adepts.

First my 4 books in the collection : Suguru Challenge


Suguru Challenge (on Amazon UK)

Suguru Challenge


Suguru Challenge 2

Suguru Challenge 2


Suguru Challenge 3

Suguru Challenge 3


Suguru Challenge 4

Suguru Challenge 4

And lastly a book of smaller size in order to be more convenient but with the same captivating puzzles.

Pocket Suguru

Pocket Suguru

 Anyone of these books will fill you with happiness !!!. 

At the next post I will talk about the Giant Suguru. 


 Have fun !


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