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This is three  new Suguru puzzles (Rules of Suguru). The first two (7x7)  are relatively easy but for the last one is bigger.. much bigger (20x20).  


Suguru 7X7 n 302

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_7X7_00302.pdf

Solution : suguru_7X7_00302_sol.pdf


Suguru 7X7 n 303

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_7X7_00303.pdf

Solution : suguru_7X7_00303_sol.pdf

3) With winter coming soon, the evenings will be longer than usual (for people living in the north hemisphere) then the followings puzzle will keep you busy for these moments.

Suguru 20X20 n 8

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_20X20_00008.pdf

Solution : suguru_20X20_00008_sol.pdf


I have published three Suguru books subtlety named Suguru ChallengeSuguru Challenge v 2 and Suguru Challenge v 3. Each book contains 251 puzzles, from different sizes et difficulty levels.They are full of Suguru puzzles, in fact each one has 251 puzzles.

These books will fill you with happiness. 





 And finally if you like the king size puzzle, like the last puzzle on this article, my book Giant Suguru will fill you with elation !!

Giant Suguru


 Have fun !


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