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I am proud to present you my latest book: GIANT SUGURU

Giant Suguru

As the name indicates, this book contains Giant Suguru puzzles from size 16x16 up to 20X20. If you like Suguru and want to last the pleasure, this book is for you. You will have a lot of pleasure doing these puzzles. 

You could find this book in Amazon UK GIANT SUDOKU

also in Amazon  US :GIANT SUGURU

This book has 100 puzzles !!

This is the kind of puzzle that you could find is this book, this is a 18x18 Suguru.

Suguru 18x18 n 10

The printables files PDF.

Puzzle :suguru_18X18_00010.pdf

Solution : suguru_18X18_00010_sol.pdf

Have pleasure !!


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