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I am proud to present you my latest Suguru book. Pocket Suguru : The Allusion

This book, with its all-purpose format and 160 grids of all sizes (in fact, there are 7 different grid sizes), will follow you wherever you go to satisfy your appetite for Suguru. Initiates will find the same quality of Suguru puzzles in this book as they did in the previous ones.  For the others who are new to the game, this book is a good introduction to the world of Suguru. Be warned, though, that you may not be able to play without it.

 Pocket Suguru : The Allusion is available on  :  Amazon CanadaAmazon UK  and Amazon USA and every others Amazon websites.

They are three Suguru puzzles for you.


Suguru 5x5 n 887


The printable files PDF

Puzzle :suguru_5X7_00887.pdf

Solution :suguru_5X7_00887_sol.pdf


Suguru 5x7 n 888


The printable files PDF

Puzzle :suguru_5X7_00888.pdf

Solution :suguru_5X7_00888_sol.pdf


Suguru 7x14 n 32


The printable files PDF

Puzzle :suguru_7X14_00032.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X14_00032_sol.pdf

Have a good day !

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