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I have just published my latest Suguru book :

The Mammoth Book of Suguru vol 2.


The Mammoth Book of Suguru 2

This book contains 1 000 Suguru puzzles with six different grid sizes and four levels of difficulty. What more to add, this book brings happiness.

The Mammoth book of Suguru vol 2 is available on Amazon websites : UKUSA and Canada and any other Amazon websites.

Here are some puzzles for your pleasure.

Suguru 7X7 n 3725

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_7X7_03725.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X7_03725_sol.pdf


Suguru 7X7 n 5057

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_7X7_05057.pdff

Solution :suguru_7X7_05057_sol.pdf


Suguru 7X7 n 5238

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_7X7_05238.pdff

Solution :suguru_7X7_05238_sol.pdf

Have fun !! 

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