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I Like the Round trip puzzle, because this puzzle is purely visual it requires only line, no numbers nor letters. The goal is to make path that visit each dot and that this path finish at the dot where you started in order to make a big loop (Rules of Round Trip). The two first puzzle are easier and the last one is a little bit more challenging. 



Round trip 6X6 n 2

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :baton_6X6_00002.pdf

Solution :baton_6X6_00002_sol.pdf


Round trip 6X6 n 1

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :baton_6X6_00001.pdf

Solution :baton_6X6_00001_sol.pdf


Round trip 10X10 n 1

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :baton_10X10_00001.pdf

Solution :baton_10X10_00001_sol.pdf

Have a good day !!!.

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