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For many summer is a time for vacations and trips. First of all, I want to wish you a good time. The puzzles that I present you are related to the theme of travelling.This is the Round trip (Rules of Round Trip)., the goal is to connect all the points with a line that visits only once each dot.

So this is three puzzles to enjoy.


Round trip 10X10 n 1a

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :baton_10X10_00001.pdf

Solution :baton_10X10_00001_sol.pdf


Round trip 10X10 n 86

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :baton_10X10_00086.pdf

Solution :baton_10X10_00086_sol.pdf


Round trip 10X10 n 664

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :baton_10X10_00664.pdf

Solution :baton_10X10_00664_sol.pdf

Have a good day !!!.


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