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I am proud to present you a Suguru variant : The Outside Suguru, like the Outside Sudoku, the grid has no given, instead the clues are outside the grid. The numbers in front of each column and row are the numbers that are in the corresponding column or row, but not necessarily on the same order. For the Suguru lover this puzzle will a pleasant recreation. Soon I will create an article on how to resolve Outside Suguru. But knowing your sagacity I presume that you will tackle easily this puzzle. I could give you a tip: when you find a number in a cell cross this number in the clues of the column and the row. I begin by giving you four puzzles.


Outside Suguru 6x6 n 1


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_out_6x6_00001.pdf

Solution : suguru_out_6x6_00001_sol.pdf


Outside Suguru 6x6 n 2


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_out_6x6_00002.pdf

Solution : suguru_out_6x6_00002_sol.pdf


Outside Suguru 8x6 n 1


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_out_8x6_00001.pdf

Solution : suguru_out_8x6_00001_sol.pdf


Outside Suguru 8x6 n 2


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_out_8x6_00002.pdf

Solution : suguru_out_8x6_00002_sol.pdf

I am avidly waiting for your comments about this puzzle. Have a good day !

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