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For the lovers of Kakuro puzzles who despair to see their favorite puzzles, this is the time to fill your desire. In order to bring new adepts to this puzzles, I have decided to provide you gentle puzzles. not to difficult. The first two are of modest size : 7X7 and the last one is little bit bigger 10x12. But you will appreciate them !!

The nu. 1

Kakuro 7x7 no 54

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: kaku7x7_A00054.pdf.

Solution : kaku7x7_A00054sol.pdf.



The nu. 2

Kakuro 7x7 no 55

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: kaku7x7_A00055.pdf.

Solution : kaku7x7_A00055sol.pdf.



The nu. 3

Kakuro 10x12 no 52

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: kaku10x12_A00052.pdf.

Solution : kaku10x12_A00052sol.pdf.



 Have a nice time !!!.

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