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It is difficult to believe Innoludic has reached 7 years old this month. For the last seven years, I have published more than 1000 puzzles ranging from  word  puzzles like Bee word up to logic puzzles like thermometers.  I have maintained a rhythm of publishing at least one article each week in English and in French. Also I have published more than 50 books in these years.  When I realize all that, I conclude that I must be crazy.

It is important not to ignore the past but also we need to look at the future. The recent months I have worked to rejuvenate some puzzles like Hidaku, Search words, etc. I intend to present you my latest creations. But the point is when I want to introduce a new puzzle I want to give you an article explaining the rules and subtilties about the new puzzles then it requires more times. 

But above all, I want to thank you, all my readers, for your fidelity. Without you this website  would not exist.

I take the occasion to present you an Hanidoku puzzles ( Rules of Haniddoku) .


Hanidoku n 125

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: hanidoku_12_00125.pdf

Solution: hanidoku_sol_12_00125.pdf

Have a good day !

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