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Here are some Hidoku games whose cells are either diamonds or triangles. The aim is to trace a path through all the cells. You have to trace the path from the first cell having number 1 to the last cell with the number 56, passing from one cell to the next immediately adjacent (one cell  which touches the previous cell). Some of the cells on the path are revealed; they contain numbers. You have to fill in all the empty cells  with the missing numbers. Go ahead... you'll enjoy it.


Hidoku hite 3x2 : 117

Puzzle :hite_19_2x3_00117.pdf

Solution :hite_19_2x3_00117_sol.pdf


Hidoku hite 3x2 : 118

Puzzle :hite_19_2x3_00118.pdf

Solution :hite_19_2x3_00118_sol.pdf

I have published two Hidoku books. The puzzles in this article could be find in Offbeat Hidoku.

Hidoku Galore
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany

Offbeat Hidoku
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany

Have fun !


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