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Here's a Hidoku Tellassion: the grid is made up of squares, diamonds and triangles, a bit like a floor tile. A path runs through all the cells in the grid without ever passing through the same cell again, so you have to retrace the path. Luckily, some cells  contain their order in the path (e.g. the square with the number 5 is the fifth cell in the path, and so on). The first and last cells in the path are marked in grey. The path runs from one cell to the next. A square cell touches eight cells, while a triangle cell can touch up to 9 cells and a diamond cell can touch up to 10 cells.(Hidoku's Rules).



Hidoku tellassion 3x2 n 5

The printable files  PDF

Puzzle: hite_22_3x2_00005.pdf

Solution: hite_22_3x2_00005_sol.pdf

 You can find Hidoku Tellassion in my book Offbeat Hidoku, available on  Amazon US ,  Amazon UKAmazon Canada any other Amazon website.


Enjoy !


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