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I continu to explore with the Hidoku puzzle. Now I try a penrose grid with as a cells: diamonds with the pecularites of the penrose tiling. So I present you first a puzzle with a simple grid and secondly a puzzle with a double grid. Do no forget from a cell you can acces any cells that corner touch one of the corner of the inital cell. In each puzzle the first and last cell are grayed.  (Hidoku's Rules).

Hidoku Penrose 1 :1


Puzzle : hipen_1__15_00001.pdf

Solution : hipen_1__15_00001_sol.pdf

The second one with a double grid.

Hidoku Penrose 2 : 1


Puzzle : hipen_2_25_00001.pdf

Solution : hipen_2_25_0001_sol.pdf

Have a great day !

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