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Similar to  Suguru with only a slight  difference in the rules we can say that the Ripple Effect puzzles (Rules of Ripple Effect) is a different game. The difference is : in Suguru if a cell has a number then all the cells touching this initial cell cannot have this number while if a cell in a Ripple Effect has a number then the number of cells not touching the initial cell depends on the value of the number in the initial cell. For example, if a cell contains the number 3 then the 3 cells at the right, left up and down the initial cell cannot have the number 3 (in fact the initial cell is in the middle of a cross) . Notice that contrary to Suguru the Ripple Effect ignore the diagonals so you just have to take into account the four directions around the cell (north,east,south and west). The other rule is common to the two puzzles: each region of size N must contain all the number from 1 to N.

OK,enough discussion try these two 8x8 Ripple effect puzzles. 


Ripple 8x8: 101


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: ripple_8X8_00101.pdf

Solution : ripple_8X8_00101_sol.pdf



Ripple 8x8: 102


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: ripple_8X8_00102.pdf

Solution : ripple_8X8_00102_sol.pdf

I want to take the occasion to let you know that my recent book The Ripple Effect Challenge has 323 Ripple Effect puzzles. So why do without it !

The Ripple Effect Challenge
Enjoy !

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