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I am proud to present you my latest book:

The Ripple Effect Challenge



The Ripple Effect puzzle (Rules of Ripple Effect) is one of the most popular puzzle on this website.  That's why I decided to write a book about these puzzles. This book contains 323 puzzles of all sizes and difficulty level.The purists of this puzzle, will be happy to know that no puzzle has a region higher than five cells (like Suguru). As always, each puzzle is designed to stimulate your brain while providing fun. The Ripple Effect Challenge will be appreciated by everyone. This book is available on Amazon UK , Amazon US and on every others Amazon website.

 Just to give you a taste of the puzzles contained in The Ripple Effect Challenge,  here are 4 representative puzzles.


Ripple 6x6: 974


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: ripple_6X6_00974.pdf

Solution : ripple_6X6_00974_sol.pdf



Ripple 6x6: 975


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: ripple_6X6_00975.pdf

Solution : ripple_6X6_00975_sol.pdf



Ripple 10x10 : 102


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: ripple_10X10_00102.pdf

Solution : ripple_10X10_00102_sol.pdf


Ripple 10x10 : 103


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: ripple_10X10_00103.pdf

Solution : ripple_10X10_00103_sol.pdf

Have fun !


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