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I am on fire, in the last two months I have published more books than in the last two years. The mean reason is that my real job is calmer therefore I have more time to put on my website and my books.

Today I present you Sumo Challenge 3. I was the first to publish Sumo puzzles in 2009 (nearly two years ago). I have seen a lot of people publishing Sumo puzzles books (always on another name than Sumo) but as always the first is always the best. 

So this book is the third of the series, it has 64 Sumo puzzles and the above all the same pleasure that you have found in my two previous books. 

Sumo Challenge 3:

You could find this marvelous book at :

Amazon USA : Sumo Challenge 3

Amazon UK : Sumo Challenge 3

Amazon Canada : Sumo Challenge 3 


And now just to tease you I provide you a Sumo Puzzle

Sumo n 80
Puzzle : Sumo_00080.pdf
Solution :Sumo_00080_sol.pdf
Have fun !!!

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