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I am proud to announce you that Innoludic has been in operation since March 2015. So far I have published mainly 180 articles (50% in English and 50% in French). I have presented you a lot different puzzles: Labyrinth Sudoku, Sumo, ZigZag, Hyper Sudoku 3D etc. And I have many more new puzzles to show you specially the class of word puzzles. During this year I have tried to keep the pace of publishing a least one article each week. It was not always easy to find the time to update this blog but the good appreciations that some of you have given me has helped me to find the motivation to continue. So your comments are appreciated, don’t be shy to give your opinion about this blog. Because I receive no fees (money) for this site I just want to tell you that if you like my puzzles, you could show your appreciation by buying my books (available on Amazon) (see Books available ).

What surprises me the most is that despite a total lack of marketing means (mainly due to my inability on marketing ) this site continues, each month, to gain visitors, so I believe that you appreciate Innoludic. The last thing that I want to point is that ( I hope that you have noticed) I have a made a lot of effort to improve the quality of my English, and it will continue. So by the time I acquire a greater mastery of English I beg your indulgence.

 But the most important is that I want to thank you for your assiduity.     



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