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This is three new Sudoku Labyrinth in three levels of difficulty : Easy,Medium and challenging. 

The first one, the easier, has 10 clues.

Sudoku Labyrinth 0008

The printable file PDF

Puzzle :Col_laby_7_3_000008.pdf

Solution: Col_laby_7_3_000008_sol.pdf

The medium

Sudoku Labyrinth no 125

The printable file PDF

Puzzle :Col_laby_7_3_000125.pdf

Solution: Col_laby_7_3_000125_sol.pdf

And the last one

Sudoku Labyrinth no 5612

The printable file PDF

Puzzle :Col_laby_7_3_005612.pdf

Solution: Col_laby_7_3_005612_sol.pdf

If you want to know the rules : Rules of Sudoku Labyrinth

Enjoy !.

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