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In order to get acquainted with this puzzle I present you some samples. Maybe you could consult  Rules of Sudoku Labyrinth  before beginning.

First of all, an easy magic spiral.

Magique Spirale 00003The printable version -pdf

Puzzle : Colima_5_3_000003.pdf

Solution :Colima_5_3_000003_sol.pdf

Another one with the same level of difficulty.

Magique Spirale 0004

The printable version -pdf

Puzzle : Colima_5_3_000004.pdf

Solution :Colima_5_3_000004_sol.pdf

Now, two puzzles of type Labyrinth.

Sudoku Labyrinthe 00012

The printable version -pdf

Puzzle : Col_laby_5_3_000012.pdf

Solution :Col_laby_5_3_000012.pdf

The next one is a little bit harder.

Sudoku Labyrinthe 8353

The printable version -pdf

Puzzle : Col_laby_5_3_008353.pdf

Solution :Col_laby_5_3_008353_sol.pdf

And last, a 6X6 magic spiral (easy level).

Spirale magique 11


The printable version -pdf

Puzzle : Col_laby_5_3_008353.pdf

Solution :Col_laby_5_3_008353_sol.pdf


Now enjoy!

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