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This is a new version of Sudoku, it is called Snowflake Sudoku, mainly becaus the grid is composed of hexagons and it has a vague look of a snowflake ( in reality every snowflake has an unique form). You could watch the rules (Rules of Snowflake Sudoku). For the first post about Snowflake I present you the two size.

First the regular size puzzles.

Snowflake Sudoku no 46


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : floc_00046.pdf

Solution: floc_00046_sol.pdf


Snowflake Sudoku no 188


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : floc_00188.pdf

Solution: floc_00188_sol.pdf


And finaly the jumbo size !


Snowflake Sudoku g no 2


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : gfloc_00002.pdf

Solution: gfloc_00002_sol.pdf

Enjoy !!


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