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The last article was about Sudoku 3D, this one is about Hyper Sudoku 3D. In fact the Hyper Sudoku 3D is an amalgamation of 2 or 3 Sudoku 3D touching together. As you know a Sudoku 3D is a Sudoku written on a cube. Each column and row span on two faces. This is the same thing for each cubes of a Hyper Sudoku 3D. But also you have additional rows and columns when two faces from two different cubes are touching together. This feature add more challenge and stimulation. So I present you 2 puzzles each one having 2 cubes (4x4x4). So you must use nimbers from 1 to 8 in each row, column and region. Notice that the regions have irregular shapes. Have fun

Rules : Rules of Sudoku 3D


Hyper Sudoku 3d 8 : 16

Puzzle :cubic3_8_000016.pdf

Solution :cubic3_8_000016_sol.pdf


Hyper Sudoku 3d 8 : 17

Puzzle :cubic3_8_000017.pdf

Solution :cubic3_8_000017_sol.pdf

I have published two books about Hyper Sudoku 3D. Each one contains many puzzles with two or three cubes and with two size (4x4x4 or 6x6x6 cube). This is totaly crazy !!!

Hyper Sudoku 3D Challenge 1
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany

Hyper Sudoku 3d Challenge v.2
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany


Have fun !.


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