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This puzzle is an arrangement of 4 distinct Sudoku puzzles that forms a fifth sudoku located in the middle. So they are regions (3x3 box) that are common to several sudokus. The region situated at the center is shared by 5 sudokus. Here are two puzzles to titillate your neurons before the winter torpor completely numbs us. 


Flower no:00033

Puzzle :flower_00033.pdf

Solution :flower_00033_sol.pdf


Flower  no:00034

Puzzle :flower_00034.pdf

Solution :flower_00034_sol.pdf

I have published two books that have Flower Sudoku and also many more other Sudoku variations. 

Spectacular Sudoku Variants
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany

Stunning Sudoku Puzzles
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany


Have fun !

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