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I am proud to present you my latest book : Totally Crazy 3d word fill-in.

Totally crazy 3D word fill-in

This is the classic word fill-inn (or often called kriss kross) adapted to a 3D grid which takes the form of a cube with 3 visble faces. The words can be written from on face (of the cube) to another on. This adds an additional challenge for a puzzle that already requires patience, reasoning and visual acuity. It also allows combining two or three cubes together. Then the words can start on one cube and finish on another cube. I believe that I am the only one that can create these puzzles. My book contains 52 puzzles with one, two or three cubes (with different sizes). I let you judge by yourself with a 3D puzzle composed of three cubes.

Rules : Rules of Word Fill in


3D Word fill-in n 3 8: 50

Puzzle :cub_e_a_3_8_00050.pdf

Solution :cub_e_a_3_8_00050_sol.pdf

As usual, you could find Totally Crazy 3D Word Fill-in on Amazon.

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Have fun !

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