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In the last article, I presented you the “classical” word Fill in. Now I want to show you the 3D Word Fill in which it has a grid shaped like a cube. This puzzle could be composed of 1,2 or 3 cubes. The goal is to put in all the words at the right emplacement. I suggest that you look at the rules to know how to put the words in the grid. Then in order to let you know all the possible configurations I present you the 3 versions. Take the challenge !

Rules : Rules of Word Fill in


cube_word cube it n 1 8: 142

Puzzle :cub_e_a_1_8_00142.pdf

Solution :cub_e_a_1_8_00142_sol.pdf


cube_word cube it n 2 8: 132

Puzzle :cub_e_a_2_8_00132.pdf

Solution :cub_e_a_2_8_00132_sol.pdf


cube_word cube it n 3 7: 137

Puzzle :cub_e_a_3_7_00137.pdf

Solution :cub_e_a_3_7_00137_sol.pdf

Enjoy !

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