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I am proud to present you my latest Suguru book :

The Mammoth Book of Suguru.


The Mammoth Book of Suguru

This book contains a lot of your favourite puzzles, in fact, as the book’s cover indicates, it has 1 000 Suguru puzzles. With six different grid sizes and four levels of difficulty you will be far to be bored with such a large diversity. This book is for all Suguru addicts as well as for the newcomers who like logic puzzles. The true Suguru lover will be delighted. 

The Mammoth book of Suguru is available on Amazon websites : UKUSA and Canada and any other Amazon websites.

Here are some puzzles for your pleasure.

Suguru 6X8 n 300

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_6X8_00300.pdff

Solution :suguru_6X8_00300_sol.pdf


Suguru 6X8 n 301

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_6X8_00301.pdff

Solution :suguru_6X8_00301_sol.pdf


Suguru 6X8 n 302

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_6X8_00302.pdff

Solution :suguru_6X8_00302_sol.pdf

Have fun !! 

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