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Here are a few Suguru puzzles to warm our hearts and brighten our souls. These are 4 (slightly difficult) 7x7 puzzles. Now, it's up to you..

Rules : Rules of Suguru


suguru 7x7 no:02833

Puzzle :suguru_7X7_02833.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X7_02833_sol.pdf


suguru 7x7 no:02834

Puzzle :suguru_7X7_02834.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X7_02834_sol.pdf


suguru 7x7 no:02835

Puzzle :suguru_7X7_02835.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X7_02835_sol.pdf


suguru 7x7 no:02836

Puzzle :suguru_7X7_02836.pdf

Solution :suguru_7X7_02836_sol.pdf

You could find these Suguru in my two mammoth books, each one having 1000 puzzles.

The Mammoth Book of Suguru
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany

The Mammoth Book of Suguru vol. 2
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany


Have fun !

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