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For beginning summer nothing is better than solving Suguru puzzles. This is why I present you my latest Suguru's book : Suguru Challenge vol. 8


Those who have liked  any one of the first seven Suguru Challenge books, know that the puzzles are funny, and above all of good quality with many different grid’s size ( from 4x6 up to 24x24) and level of difficulty.  With Suguru Challenge 8 you won't be disappointed.

Suguru Challenge can be found at the following Amazon Websites :  Amazon UK , Amazon Canada and Amazon USA.

I present you three puzzles .


Suguru 6x6 n 1915


Printable files PDF

Puzzle :suguru_6X6_01915.pdf

Solution :suguru_6X6_01915_sol.pdf


Suguru 6x6 n 1916


Printable files  PDF

Puzzle :suguru_6X6_01916.pdf

Solution :suguru_6X6_01916_sol.pdf


Suguru 6x6 n 1917


Printable files  PDF

Puzzle :suguru_6X6_01917.pdf

Solution :suguru_6X6_01917_sol.pdf

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