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This is a puzzle that will please you. First to break the monotony of the puzzle with square cell, I present you aan hxagonal puzzle with hexagonal cells. The goal is to put the number 1 to 9 in the cells such that at the end each row and diagonals (don't forget it has two kinds of diagonal : ascending and descending) contain sequence of succesive numbers.For more details  Rules of Haniddoku. So I give you, to try it, 3 easy puzzles but with enough challenge to have fun

Hanidoku no 2

The printable files PDF

Puzzle : hanidoku_13_00002.pdf

Solution : hanidoku_sol_13_00002.pdf

Hanidoku no 3

The printable files PDF

Puzzle : hanidoku_14_00003.pdf

Solution : hanidoku_sol_14_00003.pdf

Hanidoku no 4

The printable files PDF

Puzzle : hanidoku_12_00004.pdf

Solution : hanidoku_sol_12_00004.pdf


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