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I said in a previous article that the Hidoku puzzle is very flexible ( Hidoku # 3). I told you also that the form of the cells could affect how we move from onr cell to another. This week I propose you a grid with diamonds of different shape. As I told you the best way to find which cells you could go from one cell (the initial cell) is to look which cells  the corners of the initial cell touch. When a cell is a square or a pentagon we know the principle. But when a cell is a diamond then a corner of cell with a sharp angle could touch many more cells ( the maximum of cells a corner of a square cell can touch is 3 other cells). So I propose you a grid with a shape of a donut made of many diamonds ( I have found this interesting geometric form on the web, I have tought that it could form an interesting grid for a Hidoku) . For this grid you start form the number one up to 30 (the grey cells). When we have only one donut the maximun cells that the corner of a cell could touch is 3. (Notice that in the middle- the hexagon- you could could travel from one cell to the opposite cell, it adds more possibility).  For the second puzzle I have gathered three donuts together, then when two donut are adjacent then the maximum number of cell that a corner of one cell could touch is 5 (look at the cell number 1, the left corner). For the last puzzle you have to find a path from 1 to 90. (Hidoku's Rules).

Hidoku Donut : 6859


Puzzle : hirum_1_06859.pdf

Solution : hirum_1_06859_sol.pdf

The second one with three donuts.

Hidoku 3 Donut : 6370


Puzzle : hirum_1_06370.pdf

Solution : hirum_1_06370_sol.pdf

Have a great day !

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